24.06.2024 19:11
Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item
center, BaodingCity
20.06.2024 07:13
In Transit to Next Facility
Henan international express operational department, Zhengzhou
15.06.2024 19:15
Processed Through Facility
Muzaffarpur HO (Beat Number:1)
11.06.2024 07:17
Departure from outward office of exchange
06.06.2024 19:19
02.06.2024 07:21
Arrival at Delivery Office
Guangzhou international exchange station, Guangzhou city
28.05.2024 19:23
[Japan] delivered
Korean airlines
24.05.2024 07:25
Scheduled for Delivery
United States, United States
19.05.2024 19:27
Item dispatched
Market Road BNPL SP Hub
15.05.2024 07:29
Item received
International branch office receiving center, Beijing city
10.05.2024 19:31
Airline departed from original country
Muzaffarpur RMS TMO
06.05.2024 07:33
Accepted. Your shipment has been received at the point of origin
Muzaffarpur RMS TMO
01.05.2024 19:35
Departure from Processing Center
MD, ODENTON, 21113
27.04.2024 07:37
Arrival at the Destination
22.04.2024 19:39
Inbound Out of Customs
Kolkata NSH
18.04.2024 07:41
Item Delivery Confirmed
Centro de Tratamento Aveiro
Tracking numbers examples: